If you live in the Tulsa Metro area, and you are looking for a local Scentsy consultant, you can stop looking because you have found me!
Hi there. My name is Jami Sullins but I am often called Jami Jo. Fun fact: my middle name is NOT Jo. Jami Jo is a throw-back to my childhood nickname and it just stuck! Therefore, it easily became what I am known as in the Scentsy world because I chose it over 14 years ago when I had to pick a website name and “Jami” was already taken. Now here I am, known as Jami Jo from Jami Jo Sells Wax.
While I am not the longest-standing Scentsy consultant in the Tulsa Metro area, I am proud to say that I am the only SuperStar Director with Scentsy in Tulsa. I know that title sounds made up, but I assure you it is not made up, and in fact I worked for about 12 years before I was able to proclaim the title which is the highest level of being a Scentsy consultant.
I am also the highest rated and most reviewed Scentsy consultant around the Tulsa area. I have so many happy customers and I am thrilled to say that I have a high rate of return customers who have shopped with me for many years.
My Scentsy Story:
In 2008, I was working as a public school teacher in Broken Arrow, OK when I came across Scentsy at a local church craft fair. As I talked to the consultant, I realized that this would be a great fragrance product to have in my classroom since candles were out of the question. I purchased the basic starter pack of a warmer and three different wax scents: clean breeze, cucumber lime, and simply irresistible. I put the warmer in my classroom the next week and started warming the wax, especially in the afternoons when the kids would come in from recess in the hot Oklahoma sun. My teacher friends could smell my room down the hall, and boy were they jealous! They all had to have one too!
After attempting to contact the consultant that I had purchased from several times, and not ever getting a response, I eventually found another consultant that was willing to lend me her testers and a few catalogs to have a catalog party in the school lounge. As I expected, it was a hit! Within a week, I had gathered over $600 in orders. I had looked at the catalog and knew the starter kit was only $99 and that I would make over that in commissions just from these orders. It was at that point that I decided I just needed to partner with Scentsy myself and become a consultant. That was the third best decision I ever made in my life! (First is my faith. Second is my husband)
Since that time, I have had so many amazing opportunities thanks to this business. Not only was I able to “retire” from the classroom, I was able to focus on my family first. I found that this business was a business that could fit around my family’s schedule. It also allowed us the financial freedom to put our kids into a private school in Tulsa, allow our kids to experience and try activities that we wouldn’t otherwise been able to afford, and the biggest factor was that this business allowed me the time and financial freedom to travel the world doing mission and humanitarian work.
Growing my Scentsy business did not happen overnight and it was not easy, but it was certainly worth it! I have been selling Scentsy products to hundreds, maybe thousands of people in the Tulsa area for over 14 years now. While most of my sales are now online, I grew my business by doing home parties, sip-n-sniffs, and setting up at local craft fairs and festivals. You might have seen my adorable 1960 Vintage Yellowstone trailer at an event somewhere in the Tulsa area. I have been using the trailer as a mobile storefront since 2020 and have gained quite the notoriety of being the retro Scentsy lady in the Tulsa area.
Scentsy does not allow our products to be sold in a brick and mortar storefront, so all Scentsy consultants work mobile or from home, just like I do. My home-base is in Catoosa, but I grew up in Broken Arrow and have also lived in Wagoner. I have been around the Tulsa are since I was a young girl and consider myself a Tulsa native because it is all that I have known. I love helping all my Tulsa are friends make their homes and environments smell better with the help of Scentsy products.
If you live in the Tulsa area and are looking to order some Scentsy, there are a few ways that you can get in touch with me. You are always welcome to shop my Scentsy website at https://jamijo.scentsy.us/ You can also text me at any time at 918-888-9690. This is my personal text number and I will respond to you in a timely manner to answer any questions you have about Scentsy or its products.
If you are in the Tulsa area and are considering a partnership with Scentsy, I would love to sponsor you, mentor you, and help guide you in growing your own Scentsy business. There is so much room for growth in the Tulsa area, and you definitely have plenty of room for success! You can start your partnership at https://jamijo.scentsy.us/join or reach out to me by text at 918-888-9690 with any questions you have about the business. Tulsa, Oklahoma is a large city and we are not even anywhere close to saturation of the market where Scentsy is concerned. I would love to have you on our local team.
I look forward to hearing from you soon!