Well, hello, hello and hello. Thank you so much for stopping by Jami Jo Szw. If you have never stopped by this channel before, let me introduce myself. My name is Jamie Solens. In the s Scentsy world, I am known as Jami Jo, and this channel is devoted solely to Scentsy Fragrance. I have had a partnership with Scentsy Fragrance and been a consultant with them for 15 years now. I have achieved the top level of the company Superstar Director, which I know sounds made up, but it is a legit title within the company. So for 15 years I have been sharing Scentsy love, mainly sharing the products and giving all this smelly goodness to all my friends and family, but also been sharing the opportunity of Scentsy. This is a company that is low cost to get started. You can work it from your phone, you can work it from your computer, you can work it from your home.
No requirements for a storefront or anything like that. So if any of that sounds like something that you’re interested in, make sure that you subscribe to this channel and always know that you can reach out to me anytime through many social media outlets. They’re all Jami Jo Sells Wax. My website is Jami Jo sells wax.com, or you can always text me at 9 1 8 8 8 8 9 6 9 0. Now, today I am doing a scent review and this fragrance I think is probably one of the top selling fragrances in s Scentsy history. Now, I know that it’s one of their bestselling fragrances. Now they tell us that in the catalog, but in my 15 years of selling Scentsy, I think this is probably one of the most request requested fragrances from customers. You can see what color it is. I would have you guess, but it was already in the title of this video.
We are going to be talking about Luna. And Luna is a beloved fragrance from all Scentsy users everywhere. So let’s talk a little bit about this fragrance. First of all, I remember when this fragrance was announced and and started with the company. Actually, I don’t know that it’s when the fragrance started. I think it’s when Scentsy Layers started, which is when we brought out our bath and body line. It used to be called layers and we were in Mexico on a leadership trip and all of us got a tube of hand cream in this fragrance. So now that I think about it, it’s not when the fragrance was released, it’s just when that product was released, everyone was using this hand cream that was on the trip. There were a couple thousand of us there. So no matter where you went <laugh>, you were smelling this fragrance.
And I fell in love with the fragrance for the body care line and used it so much. I think I kind of burned myself out on it. And so I stopped using it for the longest time. But now that I have it in front of my nose again, I remember why I loved it so much. This fragrance, it’s so hard to describe because I really think it captures so many different things. It is in our floral line, so right there, you know that there’s lots of floral fragrance in it, but I believe it’s just a fresh and clean fragrance too. I’m not a big fan of flowery scents, honestly. Floral scents usually give me a headache, so I kind of steer clear of them. But this one, it’s not that overpowering grandma smelling flour. It is light, it is fresh. It is such a good fragrance and I really think that it would be good in any area that needs fragrance.
Now let’s talk about the actual fragrance and what it is. I gave you my description of it. cin, he tells us it is a combination of all the white florals. It has jasmine, it has sweet pea, it has Freesia, but it also has some juicy berries and sandalwood in it as well. So like I said, it’s kind of all over, all over the field. As far as fragrances go, definitely a floral, but that berry set in that sandalwood, kind of chill it out. You’ve got the sweetness of the berry, the warmness of the sandalwood in there as well. So Luna, that’s why it is a super, super popular fragrance. Now let’s talk about what areas of your home this fragrance might be good for. This is an easy one because I truly can say probably any room except the kitchen. I have used this fragrance many times all over my house.
It’s great for the bedroom because it’s, it’s fresh and it’s soothing. That sandalwood warmth really calms down a bedroom. It’s fresh and I, I can’t say that enough like it’s a floral scent. But yes, it’s fresh. So that makes it great for a bathroom. It’s strong enough to overpower bathroom scents, but again, not that heavy floral to give you a headache. This would be great for any living room area in your home as well. I love to use Luna in my car too. So this is such a versatile fragrance. Like I said, I don’t really love florals or even the idea of florals in the kitchen, so I wouldn’t really use it there. But any other space that you’re in, I think Luna would be a great choice. You know, I like to say if you like this sit, you’re gonna like Luna. And it again, it’s so hard because Luna is just kind of in a category of her own.
So I think that a lot of different people enjoy Luna. When I used to do events and was meeting lots of new customers face to face and trying to help them find their fragrance, never once did I have someone smell Luna and did they make that face? Now, not everyone loved it enough to buy it, but no one was offended by Luna. And let me tell you, some of our fragrances offend people and some of them I don’t like as well, but I never met a person that hated Luna. So I think really a lot of people are going to like Luna. But like I’ve said several times, it’s a floral, it’s a fresh, it has berries, but I wouldn’t really say like it’s a a fruity scent. It’s floral and fresh. So if you like those, you are going to love Luna. Now let’s talk about what products you can get in Luna <laugh>.
And this is a really fun one ’cause it’s almost the entire catalog. <laugh>. You can get Luna in, of course, Scentsy bars, Scentsy Room sprays a scent circle, great for your car, a scent pack. So you can put the scent of Luna in AS Scentsy buddy. That’s what scent packs were designed for, but you can use them anywhere. It’s just a scent sachet that you can toss anywhere. Um, a travel twist. So that’s one of our newer products that also comes in Luna AS Scentsy car bar, s Scentsy pods. So if you like the mess free fragrance, you can grab Luna in the S Scentsy pods. And then also of course, a fragrance flower that just makes sense for one of our floral fragrances to be available in the fragrance flower. Now that’s all of our home fragrance products, all of them. You can get in Luna, but let’s jump over to our other categories.
So as far as laundry goes, every single laundry product product comes in the Luna Fragrance. For the longest time, it was my laundry fragrance that has soon, not soon, that has recently been replaced by white amber antique. That’s my new laundry scent. But before that, I was using either Fiji flour or Luna for my laundry products. So that gives you drier disks, laundry, liquid, Scentsy fresh. If you have teenagers, you need Scentsy Fresh. If you have pets, you need Scentsy Fresh, um, washer, whiffs. And then of course the washer with tub, the giant one. Uh, we do not offer cleaning products in Luna yet. I mean they have it in every other product. Why not cleaning products? Um, so maybe next catalog season, I don’t know. But then like I said, when we launched our bath and body products, we launched it with Luna and we are still offering those products.
So you can get the body cream, the body wash, the hand cream, and the hand soap, all in the scent of Luna. I think you are absolutely going to love this fragrance. If you are new to s Scentsy products, this is a fragrance that I recommend to all newbies. I think it’s just a great general good smelling, yummy fragrance. So if you have never tried Luna, you could get just a bar of it for $6. You can put it in a six pack pick, or I told you all the products you can grab it in six pack picks are the best way to get wax because every time you buy five, you get one free. Now that’s true of many of our products. So jump on my website, Jami Jo sells wax.com. Go to the special section and make sure that you look at the, I don’t know if they call it combine and save or bundle and save, but check that out because that’s where you can snag all the discounts on Scentsy products and make sure that you give Luna a try. Now, like I said at the first of this video, you can reach out to me anytime with the comments of this video on social media or shoot me a text at 9 1 8 8 8 8 9 6 9 0. My name is Jami Jo and I hope that you guys have a sensational day.