Hello friends. Thank you so much for stopping by. Jami Jo sells wax here on YouTube. I am Jami Jo and I am here to bring you all things. Scentsy. I come to you every day and share with you either a Scentsy tip or trick, do a product review, do a product reveal, just give you some sort of information about the amazing Scentsy products and opportunity. So today we are talking about something that just brings joy to my heart, and you’ll understand why in just a little bit. But we are talking about how Scentsy gives back to the community, specifically with charity products. And I’m going to mainly be talking about the charity warmer, the charitable cause warmer for this catalog season. But before we get into the actual warmer for this season, I want to talk about how this program works, how the S Scentsy Family Foundation works.
Now, when S Scentsy started doing charitable cause products, I’m gonna guess maybe about 10 years ago, they would choose a specific charity that they would focus on, and that was awesome. I mean, anytime a large corporation is going to give back, I am thrilled with it. I’m happy for it. But there were some hiccups and bottom line is they found a better way to do it. The hiccups were, it was really hard to find organizations that were okay with you sharing their logo, sharing all the things, you know, they don’t know if a company is going to uphold their promise. Different things like that. There was way more like legal and technical stuff too. That’s just kind of the overview of things. However, Scentsy, like I said, found a better way to give to the community, and that’s really what it is, instead of just giving to a single charity, they have started giving to the community as a whole.
So when you purchase an item, a charitable cause item from Scentsy, you, you see my breast cancer package up there and up there, we had an entire breast cancer awareness campaign in October. We also have the charitable cause item for each catalog season. Anytime you purchase from those things, Scentsy is going to give a portion of the proceeds to the Scentsy Family Foundation. Now, this is a, what is the technical call? 5 0 1 C3 that was created by Scentsy to do all their charity work. Guys, I’m saying too many words. Here’s the really cool thing. We get to nominate and suggest charities that Scentsy supports for the breast cancer awareness campaign specifically, we raised almost $630,000 globally. So that was $357,945 and 83 cents to donate just in the us. Now, Scentsy opened up voting, essentially nominations and voting for different organizations that had to do with breast cancer awareness or supporting people with breast cancer, there were a hundred different, I’m sorry, 550 nominations for 120 different organizations within the us and they chose 24 organizations to split that money up and donate it to.
So this is what it means to you. They’re not just throwing their money at big, giant, huge fundraising corporations or, or I don’t even know what word to use. Charities. They are finding those small little local charities that are truly making a difference in the community in which they are. 24 of them, I mean, I, I could read ’em all off, but that’s a lot. But just a few of them. There’s one called Boxes of Hope. There’s one called My Pink Navigator. There’s one called The Recovery Chair. There’s lots of different organizations that Scentsy has donated that money to. And I’m actually gonna put all of the organizations that Scentsy donated to through the Breast Cancer Awareness Program. I’m gonna put those in the comments of this video. So if you wanna see where the money went, you can find that in the comments of this video.
What I really wanna talk about today is the charitable cause warmer for this catalog season for fall and winter of 2023 to 2024. And this is the warmer it is called Heart to Heart. I’m gonna light it up for you in just a second, but I just want to show you this warmer ’cause it’s absolutely gorgeous. I know it’s hard to see texture on a screen, but it is a matte ceramic warmer. It does have a clear dish as all of our dishes do in warmers. Now it has that number four right there to recommend four cubes of wax whenever you use this warmer. I’m thrilled about the programs that Scentsy is opening up for nominations right now because we are supporting foster care and adoption with this warmer. If you guys don’t know me, I was a foster mom and became an adoptive mom, and this is a a cause that is super, super close to my heart and I am thrilled about it.
I do have a local organization here that works with, uh, families that are fostering kids, and I will be nominating them to get some of the proceeds from these warmers. A couple things for you to know about this warmer, it is $55, but $10 of every warmer purchase is going to that Scentsy Family Foundation earmarked for foster care and adoption awareness. Another really cool thing about this warmer, let me go ahead and turn it on for you guys so you can see it. It’s beautiful when it is lit up. It comes with the white light bulb inside of it, but sense he is also going to send you a blue light bulb, a red light bulb, and a purple light bulb. These symbolize different awareness programs within foster care and adoption. As I was Googling what each color meant, I found out that white is actually the color for adoption, and blue is the color for foster care.
That being said, a lot of different organizations will choose a different color to represent their organization specifically. Now, I’m gonna go ahead and turn this off. I’m gonna take that white light bulb out of here and pop in the red just so I can show you the difference that the colored bulbs will make. So, like I said, when you purchase this heart to heart warmer, you are going to get all four of those light bulbs so you can make the choice of which one you want. But we also have Valentine’s Day right around the corner. And even if foster care and adoption awareness is not close to your heart, this is just a beautiful warmer in general. And how perfect would this be sitting out for Valentine’s Day? So I put the red light bulb in there. Of course, my camera light throws it off just a bit, but wanted to show you the difference that that makes.
Let’s go ahead and take a look at the blue and the purple as well. While I’m changing out this bulb, I wanna let you know that you can jump online and nominate an organization to receive part of the proceeds. If you know of an organization that works with foster families, foster kiddos, or that is supporting adoption, you can go to Scentsy charitable cause.com and that is where you can nominate and cast your vote for charities to receive part of the funding raised through this. I love the blue. That is absolutely gorgeous, and I can’t do the red and the blue without doing the purple. So let’s go ahead and switch the purple there. Now, Scentsy has supported a lot of different charities over time, they have given money to Feeding America, St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital, mental Health America, the National Breast Cancer Foundation, the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and Foster Care Make a Wish Foundation, a Habitat for Humanity.
I mean, they have supported so many different organizations. The purple’s hard to see on camera because it’s such a deep color. But I mean, you can see the purple in there. Hard to tell on camera, but it is really pretty. So guys, if foster care or adoption is something close to your heart, you really need to look at getting this warmer, even if it’s not something that you’re personally affected by. This is a gorgeous warmer, and just know that part of the proceeds are going to some awesome local organizations right in our neighborhoods. I love that Scentsy does this, that Scentsy gives back. I know that many different, uh, corporations do this, but I love the fact that Scentsy opens it up to be something personable, personal, personal to so many of us by allowing us to cast those nominations and votes for local charities around us. Guys, you could find this warmer on Jami Jo sells wax.com. If you have any questions about this or anything else Scentsy related, don’t hesitate to leave me a comment in the comment section here on this video or reach out to me personally. You can find me on social media, on Facebook or Instagram. Also, you can text me direct at 9 1 8 8 8 8 9 6 9 0. My name is Jami Jo, and I hope that you have a sensational day.