Hi guys. I’m Jami Jo from Jamie. Jo sells Wax and I own a records company selling Best Scentsy Scents products. I also have an awesome team of lots of other consultants that are doing the exact same thing. If you don’t know what Scentsy is, we are, like I said, a fragrance company. We started out with wax and warmers, but now we have progressed and grown into fragrance for all different areas of your life. Now, I absolutely love Scentsy because these products are super safe to have around my family and they smell amazing. Now, today I have something very specific that I am totally excited about and I’ve given you a few little sneak peaks. If you’ve ever seen my videos, I’m usually sitting down at a desk with the camera super tight on me. But today I needed you to focus right here, <laugh> on this shirt because that is your biggest clue for today.
And also this little shelf of products that I have behind me. I am an aerial fanatic ever since a little bitty girl, when Little Mermaid came out, I fell in love, I fell in love with the music, I fell in love with the storyline. I fell in love with Ariel and I fell in love with Prince Eric. Let’s not talk about that <laugh> guys. I am a super big aerial fan and I literally squealed with delight when Best Scentsy Scents made the announcement that although we’ve had lots of other Little Mermaid products in the past, we have a little Mermaid product that made it into the catalog and is going to be in the catalog for this entire season. Mean you can get this warmer right here available for at least the next six months. Alright, so it was a really bad angle and I know you couldn’t get a good look at the products.
So I moved the camera a little bit closer. Come on in guys. I want to show you this awesome new aerial warmer. Now, you might get a little distracted by my aerial Best Scentsy Scents buddy or my Sebastian Scentsy buddy or this adorable Sebastian buddy clip up here at the top, but don’t get distracted for too long because those were limited time offer items and are in the vault right now. Now Scentsy brings back items from time to time out of the vault and re-releases them. And I have a feeling if they see how many people love this warmer, they just might do that for us. But I leave these up all the time. Time. Like I told you at the first of this video, I am an insane aerial fanatic and I leave these up all the time. But what I want you to focus on today is this warmer right here because like I said at the first of this video, Scentsy has put it in our catalog in the new spring and summer catalog, you are going to find a page that is all aerial right there.
Now you’re gonna see some other Disney princesses. We need the poo, but this is what we’re talking about today, this aerial warmer. So it is simply called Disney, the Little mermaid Scentsy warmer. I mean, they didn’t really get a lot of creative juices flowing on that one, but who cares what they call it? It’s stinking adorable. Now, this warmer, this warmer is $55, but I want to show you some features of this warmer and how this warmer works and tell you exactly why you need one of these, especially if you are a little Mermaid fan. Now, I’m gonna talk to you like you don’t even know what a Best Scentsy Scents warmer is because that might be the case for someone watching this. Let me show you how a Scentsy warmer works and why it is so awesome using this warmer right here. So this warmer uses a light bulb on the inside to warm the wax, and I’m gonna show you what I mean by that in a minute.
So inside this warmer, there is a 25 wat light bulb. That light bulb is the perfect warmth to warm our wax and give off the fragrance of a candle without the hazards of a candle. No fire, no sit, no flame. What I love about this warmer, you can kind of see it on the wall behind it, gives off that water glow look because hello, it’s Ariel. She is under the sea, she is in water, and as we look at the warmer, you’re gonna see her little buddy flounder there. You’re gonna see the little singing fish from Kiss the Girl. You’re gonna see the coral all the way around the back. I love how they give this little indention at the bottom here so when it’s sitting down, it’s nice and flush. That cord pops right up in there so you don’t have any wiggle or wobble of that warmer. Let’s turn it around the other way. You could see these little guys also from this song Kiss the Girl in there and just different coral and under the sea looks on this warmer. I love the look on the wall as I move this warmer, how it really gives the look of underwater and under the sea. Now here’s one really fun thing. As I was showing you that warmer, you said, okay, there’s flounder, but we’re missing someone.
We’re missing someone, right? Well, they did not leave Sebastian out of the equation. He is there in the dish just chilling and relaxing right there in the dish. So I’m gonna put this dish up here and that is where we put in Cy Wax. Now this is a bar of wax. There are eight cubes and you break them apart just like you would an ice cube tray. Put them in the top dish of the warmer that’s gonna melt down and give the fragrance for your room just like a candlewood. Now of course we have a signature fragrance just for Ariel, but sadly I don’t have any in stock right now. I already used it all up. So I wanna let you know what it smells like. But then I have some other recommendations for you. So Ariel, under the Sea, the fragrance is true love of weights.
So give chase and follow your heart across oceans of emerald water crisp green apple and blue Hibiscus. Let me tell you, it smells amazing. It is a fragrance that I have had in my Scentsy club, so I get it on a regular basis, but like I said, I’ve already used it up. I don’t have any in stock right now, but I have a couple other recommendations of great fragrances to pair well with this warmer. So the first one I wanna show you is Blue Grotto. Let me get the actual description and then you guys know, I like to give you my take on it. So Blue Grotto runaway with fresh tropical notes, sweet citrus and lush botanicals. Guys, this is one of our best selling waxes and I want to give it a good sniff and description for you. Now, you will notice anytime that I am doing sniff sessions with you guys, I’m always gonna smell the bottom of the bar.
The reason for that is we use a paran based wax. There are two reasons that we do that. The first is it’s completely safe and non-toxic. The second is paran Wax can hold the most fragrance oil. A lot of our competitors use different types of wax and the scent fades away very quickly. Ours is going to last much longer than the competitors because of the type of wax that we use. We can load up that paraffin wax with so much fragrance oil. But the problem is when we store our wax like this, the oils are heavier than the wax and they sink down to the bottom. So if you were to just open a bar up and smell it, there’s still going to be fragrance, but it’s not going to be the true experience that you’re going to get when you pop it in that warmer and melt it down.
That’s why I hear sometimes from a lot of my, uh, customers, you know, I liked it when I smelled it in the bar, but it was totally different when I warmed it. And that is the exact reason why. So anytime you are smelling different waxes before you purchase, you always wanna flip them over and smell the bottom of them. So Blue Grotto, I will tell you guys, this is also one of my favorites. I told you guys it was a bestseller. A lot of my customers like a, um, candle, I believe it is, I don’t know if the name is, the brand name is Capri and the smell of the candle is volcano or vice versa, volcano, candles and Capri is the same, but that is a fragrance that you can purchase from a lot of different boutiques. But let me tell y’all, very, very expensive this fragrance, however very close, I mean, it’s not the exact same.
That’s that’s their fragrance. This is ours, but very, very close. If you are familiar with that scent, if you enjoy that scent, you are going to love Blue Grotto. I love it. It’s just fresh, clean. Um, there is a touch of the citrus that I pull out of it, but it’s not one of those that’s like an in your face orange. Um, I love this for my bathrooms. Just a fresh clean light, yet noticeable fragrance. So that is blue brodo. I highly recommend it to be paired with the Little mermaid warmer. The next one I want to talk to you guys about is aloe water and cucumber. Now this is in our fresh category and it’s aloe water, cucumber peel, palm frond and pineapple nectar. Our o so mellow. Now this is a fragrance, also a best seller. This is a fragrance that I often recommend when people tell me that they don’t like super strong fragrances.
It is an amazing yummy fragrance, but it is not that in your face. Heavy fragrance. Um, definitely noticeable another fresh and clean scent. But this one is a little more on the earthy side than blue grotto. I would put blue grotto in the citrus category where this is in the fresh category. Just a great spa scent, a little more earthy. Um, like I said, there is that cucumber in it. You can smell the cucumber, you can smell the aloe. It’s a really great, like I said, lighter fragrance. Great for those people that don’t necessarily like a super strong fragrance. Another great pairing for your aerial warmer. And I wanna talk to you guys about one more fragrance today, and that is by the sea. Let’s see what Best Scentsy Scents says about it. The scent of ocean air wafting through Dewey seaside grass. This is also in the fresh category and again, one of our best sellers. So I pulled three of our best selling fragrances to talk to you guys today. So buy the sea. Let’s see.
This has a very, um, deep smell to it. Not as deep as like a men’s cologne, but still like a warmth to it. It is still an earthy fragrance. It’s in the fresh category, but there’s definitely like some warmth and a little bit of, I don’t know, it just sits a little heavier with me than that. Aloe water and cucumber, still an amazing fragrance. This is one that I have warmed before. I also get this in a lot of the on the go products for my car in the summertime. I absolutely love this thing in the summertime. Another great pairing for that little mermaid warmer. Now, the great thing is we have combined safe package deals. So you can get three bars of wax and you save a dollar. That’s a great way to purchase it. You can get this warmer. These waxes and the aerial wax that I told you guys about by texting me at 9 1 8 8 8 8 9 6 9 0 or jumping on my website, which is Jami Jo sells wax.com. You’re gonna find aerial under the tab that says Collections cuz she is in the Disney collection. And then these different fragrances of wax are in our regular wax section, but the aerial fragrance will be right under that collections tab and right along with this warmer. Well guys, that’s it for me today. Just to remind you, I’m Jami Jo from Jami Jo sells wax and you can get these products and all other Best Scentsy Scents products at Jami Jo sells wax.com. And I’m here to make your nose happy.