Hi there guys. Thanks for popping by. Jami Jo sells wax. I am. I’ll give you one guess. Yeah. I’m Jami Jo and I am here because I want to tell you about two things in particular. I want to tell you about the super cool thing that Scentsy is doing this month, in the month of August, 2023. And that is the fact that most things in the catalog are on sale. I’m gonna give you all the details about that in just a minute, but also they just announced their Best Scentsy Scents discontinuing list. It’s time for us to wrap up this summer season and get ready for fall and winter. That means that we’re gonna have to discontinue a lot of stuff to make room for the new fall and winter goodies. Guys, like I said, my name is Jamie Do and I have been working with Best Scentsy Scents Fragrance since all the way back in October of 2008.
So this will actually be my 15th fall and winter season with Best Scentsy Scents Scentsy Fragrance, and I am so excited about that fall and winter is my favorite season because I love all the deep rich fragrances. Well, I’m great with summer and fruity. Really, my heart belongs to all those super deep and rich fragrances and that is what comes out in the fall season. But right now we are finishing up the summer season and wrapping it up with both the discontinued list and the sale for almost the entire catalog. Now, first, let’s start with the discontinuing list guys. I have a super long list and I’m not gonna put that up there because that’s super ugly and there’s lots of words and it’s way too much. But I want you to hang around to the end of this video because I am going to show you all of the warmers that are being discontinued.
I am also going to show you a list of all of the fragrances and products that are going to be discontinued. So hang out until the end of this video to see that. Now I do want to touch on the fact that some of my favorites are being discontinued, and I wanna let you know that because if you watch me for any amount of time, you probably have grabbed some of my six pack picks of fragrances and a lot of these fragrances are on there. So I did my six pack pick of my super sad that they’re being discontinued fragrances. The first on that list is Blue sage and Best Scentsy Scents Tonka. Now this is a warm, rich fragrance. I would put it in the manly category, but we don’t really have a category called sense man anymore. But that is what that would belong to in my opinion.
Coastal Sunset. I love coastal Sunset. Again, a warm fragrance even though it is a little bit lighter for the summertime, cuckoo and coconut. Now this is a fragrance that is totally not my norm of fragrances that I love, but I have fallen in love with it this season for some reason and I absolutely love it. Um, lake my day. Another one that reminded me of a manly fragrance. I love those warm, rich fragrances and that’s one of palm trees and ocean breeze, we’ve had this one off and on for a bit. It’s just a good fresh and clean fragrance. And then I’m rounding out that six pack pick with whipped vanilla Lavender. You guys know I love this fragrances, this fragrance. I am a fan of English lavender, very particular with my lavender. I want the English lavender and that has it in there. Now that six pack pick, I have two options of what I can do this month to make sure that I don’t run out of those fragrances.
I can grab them in a six pack and their 10% off. So I am benefiting from the combine and save. I’m already getting a free bar that way. And then the sale price is 10% off. So it makes it $27 for six bars when that normally would’ve been 36. I can do that. I can stock up stockpile all that wax, or I can just add it to Scentsy Club. And that is exactly what I did. So I added those fragrances to Best Scentsy Scents Club. Now, Scentsy is going to make them for me all the time and I don’t have to worry about if they’re going to come back next summer because Scentsy will always make them for me if they are in Best Scentsy Scents Club. Now, I’m also a little bummed out because they’re discontinuing the cleaning products in Coastal Sunset, and I do love that as well.
Now, cleaning products, they won’t always make them for you. It’s not like the always get my bar. So I am gonna stockpile a couple of counter cleans in Coastal Sunset just in case it doesn’t come back in the spring and summer catalog. Now, I told you that most items are 10% off this month or I told you most items are on sale this month. 10% off is that discount. And while some people go, ow, 10%, that’s really not that much. But guys, here’s the really cool thing. You can do that 10% off on top of most of the combine and save deals. So all those deals where you get like a warmer and three bars for a price or six bars, we do the six bar pick a lot, it’s gonna be an additional 10% off the money that you’re already saving. So when you jump over to my website at Jami Jo sells wax.com, make sure that you are looking at those deals and specials and doing those combine and save deals where you can get the 10% off on top of that.
Now really the only thing that is not in the 10% off is we cannot do discounts on licensed products. So like Disney products, um, Marvel, any of the Harry Potter, that’s all gonna be regular price. Also with boxes are already so discounted that they’re not gonna discount on top of that. And I think maybe there’s like one like super big awesome combine and say package that the 10% off doesn’t work with. But guys, you can get 10% off of an air purifier this month. You can get 10% off of one of our premium diffusers. Those are high-end items and high priced items. So you can really benefit from using the 10% off on those. Now, like I said, the 10% off is for the entire month of August, but know that we don’t guarantee that these items will remain in stock. These are clearing and discontinuing items.
So once they’re gone, they’re gone. Now I told you that there is going to be quite a few different warmers. Um, a couple other things. Some oils, some of the fragrance flowers, some different products. So what I’m going to do is I’m gonna stop talking to you right now and I’m just gonna start a little slideshow to show you what you need to make sure that you get right now, because after this month, we don’t know, maybe it’ll go to the clearance section. Maybe it won’t because it might sell out even before that. So guys, my name is Jami Jo, I’m so happy that you joined me. When you’re ready to place your order, jump over to Jami Jo sells wax.com or shoot me a text at 9 1 8 8 8 8 9 6 9 0. But check out this little slideshow of all the discontinuing items.